"Translating nursing and health science research into evidence-based practice in achieving SDGs
"Translating nursing and health
science research into
evidence-based practice in
achieving SDGs
science research into
evidence-based practice in
achieving SDGs
This proceeding includes the written version of contributions presented and the process of event
during the 3rd of International Nursing & Health Science Student & Health Care Professional
Conference 2019 (INSHP 2019). This program was conducted in Novotel Hotel Makassar-Indonesia
from November 6 to 7, 2019.
The conference offered and provided a setting for presenting and discussing recent issues, topics, and
developments in variety of themes including health promotion & disease prevention; patient centred
care; specialty nursing; transcultural nursing; global health nursing; health care system & policy;
information & communication technology; and interprofessional education. This conference gave
excellent chances for speakers and participants who come from the United Kingdom (the UK),
Australia, Japan and some areas and provinces in Indonesia to present and to discuss topics in their
expertise and interested research areas.
The brief session of presentations on themes “Translating nursing and health science research into
evidence-based practice in achieving SDGs”, has been highly appreciated for the efforts of keynote
speakers in presenting their ideas and sharing their knowledge in lively and interesting ways. Huge
appreciation is also given to the facilitators for sharing the materials in the Workshop of Writing for
International Publication in accessible and interactive methods.
We would like to thank very much all the participants for their contribution to the Conference Program
and to this Proceeding. Many thanks to the Indonesian participants and the committee for their
support and hospitality, in which the overseas participants to feel home in Makassar-Indonesia.
Sincerely thanks are also expressed to all the reviewers of abstract for their help by commenting and
giving their feedback to get better version of abstract to be published in this proceeding.
We are also pleased to aknowledge the informational support from the reviewer of the Conference
Program and the financial support from Hasanuddin University (UNHAS). Additionally, thank to all the
support given by the other education and health services institutions such as University of SalfordManchester, La Trobe University- Australia, The University of Newcastle-Australia, and Komatsu
University-Japan. The most importantly, we would like to acknowledge our countless thanks to our
God who always gives all the best of this life.
We are looking forward to the next conference of nursing and health science that will be held in
Makassar. We hope it will be an interesting and beneficial event for all participants
during the 3rd of International Nursing & Health Science Student & Health Care Professional
Conference 2019 (INSHP 2019). This program was conducted in Novotel Hotel Makassar-Indonesia
from November 6 to 7, 2019.
The conference offered and provided a setting for presenting and discussing recent issues, topics, and
developments in variety of themes including health promotion & disease prevention; patient centred
care; specialty nursing; transcultural nursing; global health nursing; health care system & policy;
information & communication technology; and interprofessional education. This conference gave
excellent chances for speakers and participants who come from the United Kingdom (the UK),
Australia, Japan and some areas and provinces in Indonesia to present and to discuss topics in their
expertise and interested research areas.
The brief session of presentations on themes “Translating nursing and health science research into
evidence-based practice in achieving SDGs”, has been highly appreciated for the efforts of keynote
speakers in presenting their ideas and sharing their knowledge in lively and interesting ways. Huge
appreciation is also given to the facilitators for sharing the materials in the Workshop of Writing for
International Publication in accessible and interactive methods.
We would like to thank very much all the participants for their contribution to the Conference Program
and to this Proceeding. Many thanks to the Indonesian participants and the committee for their
support and hospitality, in which the overseas participants to feel home in Makassar-Indonesia.
Sincerely thanks are also expressed to all the reviewers of abstract for their help by commenting and
giving their feedback to get better version of abstract to be published in this proceeding.
We are also pleased to aknowledge the informational support from the reviewer of the Conference
Program and the financial support from Hasanuddin University (UNHAS). Additionally, thank to all the
support given by the other education and health services institutions such as University of SalfordManchester, La Trobe University- Australia, The University of Newcastle-Australia, and Komatsu
University-Japan. The most importantly, we would like to acknowledge our countless thanks to our
God who always gives all the best of this life.
We are looking forward to the next conference of nursing and health science that will be held in
Makassar. We hope it will be an interesting and beneficial event for all participants