Prosiding HEFA Karya Ilmiah Peningkatan Kesehatan Bangsa Tahun 2018



Prosiding HEFA Karya Ilmiah Peningkatan Kesehatan Bangsa Tahun 2018


Language development is a child’s ability to response the voice such as follow the order
to speak spontaniously. Child’s language development is vary from one child to other
child. It is related to neurology competence and cognitive development. Normal spoken
development depends on a child’s maturation. The period of a child is ready to speak is
when the child is able to speak as their communication is when they are in 9 months to 24
months. The quesionare is used to collect data, quantitave is used in this research
included correlative description to explore correlative relationship of each variable. This
design is chosed because the researcher wanted to know the language development to
child 18-34 monts with working mother. Cross sectional approach is used in this

Item sets