”Emergency Management Covid-19 of Reproductive Health for Saving Life”



”Emergency Management Covid-19 of Reproductive Health for Saving Life”


Aim/Objective The aim of this study was to determine the effect of adding garlic which
contains antioxidant compounds, to beef protein levels exposed to microwaves in the cooking
process using a microwave oven. Material and method This research method is a pure
experimental research with pretest posttest control group design. The independent variable in
this study was the concentration of garlic which was varied in 3 different concentrations namely
25%, 50% and 100%. The solvent used in making garlic extract is water. Dependent variable is
the level of meat protein before and after administration of antioxidants and microwave
radiation exposure. The type of meat used is beef sirloin. A total of 100 grams of meat with a
thickness of 2.5 cm, applied with garlic extract and left for 1 hour at room temperature. The
meat is then cooked using a microwave oven with a temperature of 150oC and baking time for 8
minutes. Protein content test using the Kjeldahl method before and after treatment, carried out
in the health laboratory, Universitas Citra Bangsa. Results The results showed that there was a
significant effect between garlic concentration on beef protein levels exposed to microwaves (pvalue = 0.048). The correlation coefficient (R2
) between garlic concentration and protein
content is 0.906. Conclusion Garlic concentration has a positive influence on meat protein
levels. This means that the higher the concentration of garlic added to the meat before cooking,
the higher the level of meat protein can be maintained.

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