Systematic Review of The Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Immune Response
Systematic Review of The Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on
Immune Response
Immune Response
list of authors
1. dr. Lili Indrawati, MKes.
2. Prof. Dr. dr. Purwantyastuti, MSc, SpFK
3. Dr. dr. Nugroho Abikusno, MSc (nut), DrPH3
2. Prof. Dr. dr. Purwantyastuti, MSc, SpFK
3. Dr. dr. Nugroho Abikusno, MSc (nut), DrPH3
The potential role for vitamin D and its active metabolite 1, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) in modulating the immune response was first recognized 25 years ago. The presence of adequate levels of vitamin D is required for the proper functioning of the body’s defense system such as barrier integrity, the production of antimicrobials, chemotaxis of other immune cells and regulation of inflammation in the innate and adaptive immune system.
We identified 60 studies on vitamin D and immune response. A total of 33 studies were excluded because it was not clinical trials, of the remaining 27, 21 were excluded because clinical trials were not randomized controlled trials and one was excluded because of using combined vitamin D and calcium, so the remaining five clinical trials were reviewed to evaluate the clinical evidence for the role of vitamin D in the immune system.
From the five Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) were reviewed in this paper, it is concluded that the results from these studies appear quite robust and consistent. Side effect profile of vitamin D preparations were minimal and rare as indicated by reports of post marketing surveilence as well as RCTs.
Potensi peran vitamin D dan metabolit aktifnya 1,25-hidroksivitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) dalam respons imun telah dikenal sejak 25 tahun yang lalu. Vitamin D dalam kadar yang cukup dibutuhkan agar sistem pertahanan tubuh dapat berfungsi dengan baik seperti integritas sawar, produksi antimikroba, kemotaksis dari sel imun dan regulasi inflamasi dalam sistem imun nonspesifik maupun spesifik.
Penelusuran awal berhasil mengidentifikasi 60 penelitian mengenai vitamin D dan respons imun. Sebanyak 33 penelitian dieksklusi karena bukan merupakan uji klinis, dari 27 yang tersisa, 21 penelitian dieksklusi karena bukan uji klinik acak terkontrol dan satu dieksklusi karena menggabungkan vitamin D dan kalsium, sehingga tersisa lima uji klinik yang ditelaah untuk mengevaluasi bukti klinis peran vitamin D dalam respons imun.
Dari lima RCT yang diikutkan pada telaah sistematik ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil penelitian-penelitian tersebut cukup kuat dan konsisten. Profil efek samping sediaan vitamin D minimal dan jarang terjadi seperti diindikasikan baik dalam laporan post marketing surveilence maupun RCT.
The potential role for vitamin D and its active metabolite 1, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) in modulating the immune response was first recognized 25 years ago. The presence of adequate levels of vitamin D is required for the proper functioning of the body’s defense system such as barrier integrity, the production of antimicrobials, chemotaxis of other immune cells and regulation of inflammation in the innate and adaptive immune system.
We identified 60 studies on vitamin D and immune response. A total of 33 studies were excluded because it was not clinical trials, of the remaining 27, 21 were excluded because clinical trials were not randomized controlled trials and one was excluded because of using combined vitamin D and calcium, so the remaining five clinical trials were reviewed to evaluate the clinical evidence for the role of vitamin D in the immune system.
From the five Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) were reviewed in this paper, it is concluded that the results from these studies appear quite robust and consistent. Side effect profile of vitamin D preparations were minimal and rare as indicated by reports of post marketing surveilence as well as RCTs.
Potensi peran vitamin D dan metabolit aktifnya 1,25-hidroksivitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) dalam respons imun telah dikenal sejak 25 tahun yang lalu. Vitamin D dalam kadar yang cukup dibutuhkan agar sistem pertahanan tubuh dapat berfungsi dengan baik seperti integritas sawar, produksi antimikroba, kemotaksis dari sel imun dan regulasi inflamasi dalam sistem imun nonspesifik maupun spesifik.
Penelusuran awal berhasil mengidentifikasi 60 penelitian mengenai vitamin D dan respons imun. Sebanyak 33 penelitian dieksklusi karena bukan merupakan uji klinis, dari 27 yang tersisa, 21 penelitian dieksklusi karena bukan uji klinik acak terkontrol dan satu dieksklusi karena menggabungkan vitamin D dan kalsium, sehingga tersisa lima uji klinik yang ditelaah untuk mengevaluasi bukti klinis peran vitamin D dalam respons imun.
Dari lima RCT yang diikutkan pada telaah sistematik ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil penelitian-penelitian tersebut cukup kuat dan konsisten. Profil efek samping sediaan vitamin D minimal dan jarang terjadi seperti diindikasikan baik dalam laporan post marketing surveilence maupun RCT.