Hubungan Status Gizi (IMT) dan Kebiasaan Mengkonsumsi Makanan Cepat Saji Dengan Kejadian Menarche Pada Siswi SDN Sukagalih III Dan SD Ar-Rahman Bogor Tahun 2016
Hubungan Status Gizi (IMT) dan Kebiasaan Mengkonsumsi Makanan Cepat Saji Dengan Kejadian Menarche Pada Siswi SDN Sukagalih III Dan SD Ar-Rahman Bogor Tahun 2016
Thesis: The relationship of nutritional status and food habits fast with the incidence of menarche in girls SDN Sukagalih III and SD Ar-Rahman Bogor 2016
xii + 60 pages + table + Annex
Data MoH RI (2010), it is known that in Indonesia a decline in age of menarche, girls experience menarche at age 9-12 years. It menarche showed a trend toward a younger age. Research Susanto (2008) showed that the average age of menarche decreased from 13 years to 10 years in 2009. This research aims to study and explain the relationship of nutritional status (BMI) and the habit of eating fast food with the incidence of early menarche in girls SDN Sukagalih III and SD Ar-Rahman Bogor 2016.This study uses analytic survey with cross sectional approach with a questionnaire on 113 respondents. The results showed no significant relationship between nutritional status, fast food eating habits, exercise habits, exposure to pornography, the economic status of parents. Multivariate analysis found the nutritional status of the respondents (p = 0.001), the nutritional habits of consuming fast food (p = 0.041), exposure to pornography (p = 0.023). Nutritional status is a dominant factor associated with menarche. Demo incident because it has the largest OR value (7.236). Nutritional status is the most dominant variables associated with the incidence menache. Rated OR 7.236 means normal nutritional status has 7.236 times higher chance of experiencing early menarche compared to girls with normal nutritional status after the controlled variable habit of eating fast food and exposure to pornography. is expected to reactivate the programs held at schools such as health education,
Keywords: menarche, nutritional status, the habit of eating fast food.
Bibliography: 21 (2000 - 2010)
Thesis: The relationship of nutritional status and food habits fast with the incidence of menarche in girls SDN Sukagalih III and SD Ar-Rahman Bogor 2016
xii + 60 pages + table + Annex
Data MoH RI (2010), it is known that in Indonesia a decline in age of menarche, girls experience menarche at age 9-12 years. It menarche showed a trend toward a younger age. Research Susanto (2008) showed that the average age of menarche decreased from 13 years to 10 years in 2009. This research aims to study and explain the relationship of nutritional status (BMI) and the habit of eating fast food with the incidence of early menarche in girls SDN Sukagalih III and SD Ar-Rahman Bogor 2016.This study uses analytic survey with cross sectional approach with a questionnaire on 113 respondents. The results showed no significant relationship between nutritional status, fast food eating habits, exercise habits, exposure to pornography, the economic status of parents. Multivariate analysis found the nutritional status of the respondents (p = 0.001), the nutritional habits of consuming fast food (p = 0.041), exposure to pornography (p = 0.023). Nutritional status is a dominant factor associated with menarche. Demo incident because it has the largest OR value (7.236). Nutritional status is the most dominant variables associated with the incidence menache. Rated OR 7.236 means normal nutritional status has 7.236 times higher chance of experiencing early menarche compared to girls with normal nutritional status after the controlled variable habit of eating fast food and exposure to pornography. is expected to reactivate the programs held at schools such as health education,
Keywords: menarche, nutritional status, the habit of eating fast food.
Bibliography: 21 (2000 - 2010)
list of authors
Prof. Dr. Soekidjo Notoatmodjo, SKM, M.comm.H
Dr. Siti Masyitah, SKM, M,Kes
Prof. Dr. Soekidjo Notoatmodjo, SKM, M.comm.H
Dr. Siti Masyitah, SKM, M,Kes
september 2016