Determinan Pernikahan Dini Di Kecamatan Merigi Kabupaten Kepahiang Provinsi Bengkulu Tahur 2018
Determinan Pernikahan Dini Di Kecamatan Merigi Kabupaten Kepahiang Provinsi Bengkulu Tahur 2018
NOVA 166{}700s9
THIS, AUGUST 2018 INITIAL DETERMINANTS OF WEDDING IN MERIGI DISTRICT, KEPAHIANG DISTRICT, 2OI8 xviii + 95 pages, 28 tables,2 pictures, g attachments
ABSTRACT larly maniage is marriage that is done at the age of less than 20 ydars. The fgmulalron of the problem is that there are still high rates of **ty *u*ug" i; Merigi subdisffict, Kepahyang Regency, which is1q.o+yr. The purpos* oitti. study was to detemrine the determinants of early marriage".in the Merigi SuMistrict of Kepahiang Regency in 201g. This type of research is quantitative with cross sectional research design. This research was conducted in Jur6-July 2018 in Merigi Subdistrict. rfr"popuiut on * this study were all women who married the last iye*s in the Merigi 3ubdistrict of Kepahiang Regency with a popuration of 61r *o*en while a ,+;il;f;;; wornen' Sampling is proportional sarnplin g. Data collection uses {uistionnaire sheets. Data analysis used Chi-square test and multiple logistic."g."*rion. The results showed that the variables that were associatEd with the incidence of early marriage were early marriage was education (p : 0.001), krowledge 1p : 0,000), economic status (p : 0.001), pare.nlal role (i :0.024) anO forno-gaptic exposure (p : 0.001). The dominant variable associated wrth emly **iug" i, knowledge (OR: 6.690). The conclusion of this study is that most of the respondents married early (s9.2yl and the main cause was the row knowledge of *o-", in Merigi oistriit aboui reproductive health. It is recommended that the local government conduct health promotion on reproductive health and early *urtag. to increase public knowledge about early marriage and its irnpact. The .o*ir*tty is expected to be able to increase knowledge about the factors associated with the occurrence of early marriage by fotlowing health educarion conducted by local goyerTrment officials and seeking information about emly marriage by asking direciiy to health professionals so that with the help of health workeis, tt. roni*,*ity can better understand early marriage and its impacts caused when early marriage.
Kelwords: Early maniage, Detertnin*tion tf earty marrioge Bibliography : 4A Q005 A\fi )
NOVA 166{}700s9
THIS, AUGUST 2018 INITIAL DETERMINANTS OF WEDDING IN MERIGI DISTRICT, KEPAHIANG DISTRICT, 2OI8 xviii + 95 pages, 28 tables,2 pictures, g attachments
ABSTRACT larly maniage is marriage that is done at the age of less than 20 ydars. The fgmulalron of the problem is that there are still high rates of **ty *u*ug" i; Merigi subdisffict, Kepahyang Regency, which is1q.o+yr. The purpos* oitti. study was to detemrine the determinants of early marriage".in the Merigi SuMistrict of Kepahiang Regency in 201g. This type of research is quantitative with cross sectional research design. This research was conducted in Jur6-July 2018 in Merigi Subdistrict. rfr"popuiut on * this study were all women who married the last iye*s in the Merigi 3ubdistrict of Kepahiang Regency with a popuration of 61r *o*en while a ,+;il;f;;; wornen' Sampling is proportional sarnplin g. Data collection uses {uistionnaire sheets. Data analysis used Chi-square test and multiple logistic."g."*rion. The results showed that the variables that were associatEd with the incidence of early marriage were early marriage was education (p : 0.001), krowledge 1p : 0,000), economic status (p : 0.001), pare.nlal role (i :0.024) anO forno-gaptic exposure (p : 0.001). The dominant variable associated wrth emly **iug" i, knowledge (OR: 6.690). The conclusion of this study is that most of the respondents married early (s9.2yl and the main cause was the row knowledge of *o-", in Merigi oistriit aboui reproductive health. It is recommended that the local government conduct health promotion on reproductive health and early *urtag. to increase public knowledge about early marriage and its irnpact. The .o*ir*tty is expected to be able to increase knowledge about the factors associated with the occurrence of early marriage by fotlowing health educarion conducted by local goyerTrment officials and seeking information about emly marriage by asking direciiy to health professionals so that with the help of health workeis, tt. roni*,*ity can better understand early marriage and its impacts caused when early marriage.
Kelwords: Early maniage, Detertnin*tion tf earty marrioge Bibliography : 4A Q005 A\fi )
list of authors
Dr. Hadi Siswanto, MPH
Hj. Darnilais Darwis, Dipl.Mw, M.Kes
Dr. Hadi Siswanto, MPH
Hj. Darnilais Darwis, Dipl.Mw, M.Kes
September 2018