Perancangan Database Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pendidikan Dengan DBMS Microsoft
Jaringan Komputer
Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web
Object Oriented Modular Programming using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, JSON, and MySQL
JJava leapt to the forefront of Internet programming with its first release. Each subsequent ava is one of the world’s most important and widely used computer languages. Furthermore, it has held that distinction for many years. Unlike some other computer languages whose influence has waned with the passage of time, Java’s has grown stronger.
version has solidified that position. Today, it is still the first and best choice for developing
web-based applications. Simply put: much of the modern world runs on Java code. Java
really is that importan
The Third Edition still takes an objects-early approach to teaching Java,
with the assumption that teaching beginners the “big picture” early gives
them more time to master the principles of object-oriented programming.
This approach seems now to have gained in popularity as more and more
instructors have begun to appreciate the advantages of the object-oriented
Flutter for Beginners helps you to enter the Flutter framework world and build awesome
mobile applications. I'll take you from an introduction to the Dart language to an in-depth
exploration of all the Flutter blocks needed to make a high-level app. Together, we will
build a fully featured app. With clear code examples, you will learn about how to start a
small Flutter project, add some widgets, apply styles and themes, connect with remote
services such as Firebase, get user input, add some animations to improve user experience,
and more. In addition, you will learn how to add advanced features, map integrations,
work with platform-specific code with native programming languages, and create fantastic
UIs with personalized animations. In short, this book will prepare you for the future of
mobile development with this amazing framework.
Flutter was unveiled at the 2015 Dart Developer Summit under the name Sky. Eric Seidel (engineer
director for Flutter at Google) opened his talk by saying that he was there to speak about Sky, which
was an experimental project presented as “Dart on mobile.” He had built and published a demo on
the Android Play Store, and he started the demo by stating that there was no Java drawing this application, meaning it was native. The first feature Eric showed was a square spinning. Driving the device
at 60 Hertz was Dart, which was the first goal for the system: to be fast and responsive. (He wanted
to go much faster [i.e., 120 Hertz], but he was restricted by the capability of the device he was using.)
Eric went on to show multitouch, fast scrolling, and other features. Sky provided the best mobile
experience (for users and developers); the developers took lessons from working on the Web, and they
thought they could do better. The user interface (UI) and the business logic were both written in Dart.
The goal was to be platform-agnostic.
Nancy L. Leech (University of Colorado at Denver)
Karen C. Barrett, George A. Morgan (Colorado State University)
PATRICIA H. WERHANE (DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA) and MOLLIE PAINTER-MORLAND (DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA and University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Kenneth N. Berk (Illinois State University) Patrick Carey
(Carey Associates, Inc.)
John R. Schermerhorn, Jr. (Ohio University)James G. Hunt (Texas Tech University) Richard N. Osborn (Wayne State University)
Ryoo, J., Jung, K., Hwang, H., Meyer, J. P., Molfese, V., & Brown, E. T. Modern Modeling Methods (5/25/2016)
Ernest E. Ludwig
Edited by Fiona Copland and Sue Garton with Monika Davis
Roger Timings
A Short Guide to the Econimics of Capitalism
Dr. Raja Oloan Tumanggor, Carolus Sudaryanto
Elena G. Popkova · Yulia V. Ragulina Aleksei V. Bogoviz Editors
Buku dengan judul “Ragam Penelitian Dengan SPSS” merupakan
buku yang disusun sebagai media pembelajaran, sumber referensi dan
pedoman belajar bagi dosen, mahasiswa, praktisi pendidikan dan masyarakat
umum. Buku ini juga akan memberikan informasi secara lengkap mengenai
materi apa saja yang akan mereka pelajari yang berasal dari berbagai sumber
terpercaya yang berguna sebagai tambahan wawasan mengenai bab-bab yang
dipelajari tersebut.
Eric Legome and Lee W. Shockley (2011)
James G Adams (2013)